Saturday, April 07, 2007
Ellen came to visit us and her and Jennifer went shopping almost every day. They are on a mission when they shop, like it's an Olympic event. You'd better be in good shape to keep up with them. It was a good visit and since Jennifer was on her spring break she got to just relax with her mom. My spring break is this next week, it stinks we don't have it together but I'll probably get more done around the house.
Some events that have happened as of late is Stella got her first taste of chocolate. She stole a King Size Hershey's bar off of the kitchen table while we were out (I bought it for one of the kids in my class) and she ate the whole thing, wrapper and all. After this she was on such a sugar high that she got into EVERYTHING. Normally she doesn't get into anything but she chewed up pencils, pens, mail, paper, toys, etc. The floor had not a square foot of carpet without some chewed up piece of something. She was okay but she was tearing around the house for a few hours and then she crashed at about 7:30 and slept until the next morning.
We had some bad news recently. We dealt over the phone and fax for most of our leasing stuff for our apartment down here and we had agreed to an 8 month lease. We signed all our paperwork and faxed it in and then when we came down they had us sign it again b/c they would always rather have a "in person" copy than a faxed copy. What we didn't catch on the second round of signing is that a new person was handling our account and they signed us up for a 12 month lease instead of an 8 month. Our faxed copies were discarded (we have copies but there was no dates on them) and we're now stuck here for a few more months. It isn't that big of a deal except that we had found a nice 3 bedroom house to move into and the landlord was awesome and was willing to let me work off some of the rent during the summer months and he essentially was completely remodeling the whole house. We really wanted to move there but I'm trying to remain faithful that God has a plan for us.
Oh, I guess we haven't mentioned this yet. The housing market down here is really getting weird so we decided not to buy. Right now houses are sitting on the market for a really, really long time and so we decided that if we decide to wait this out and see where it goes and then buy a house we'll have about a year left before we move back to Washington so it wouldn't really be worth it. We instead have decided to just rent a nice place close to school with a yard for the puppies and plenty of room for everyone.
Well, that's all I can think of right now. Spense is coming down this week and we're going to go backpacking so that should be fun. We're going to try and teach Stella how to swim... I'll post pics when we get back!
God Bless,