Friday, August 28, 2009


Don't look now....... it's another new post!

Just trying to develop a good habit of posting regularly. We are all happy, healthy and BUSY! Jennifer is studying for boards,CJ is getting used to being back at work and learning his new job and Jack is busy growing and being adorable! Anyhow, on to pictures.....

A new favorite picture of us in Hawaii.

Jack keeping cool on a hot day.

He loves water!

He likes to hang in the kitchen with mommy, so she gives him tools to play with, this is the bulb of a turkey baster and a favorite toy.

We went out on a mini-date to a place called Psycho Donuts...(Google it) and it was awesome! Yup, those are banana chips on that donut.

CJ go a plain glazed donut.... the sane choice....

Such a big boy with his sippy cup!

Happy baby, beautiful smile!!

He is a really good eater and is trying so hard to please us but he really did not like these green beans!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Almost 7 months....

We are still so amazed everyday at how much Jack has grown and changed. He is such a fun little guy and we love each minute we get to spend with him. CJ is back at work so he is missing hanging out with the little guy and Jack is in school with Jennifer or with her most of the time. The hard part is with her graduation approaching in December, she spends most of her time at school seeing patients and Jack can't be with her then. We have figured out a schedule now so Jack is with some of our good friends and their nanny one day during the week. It is hard on mommy and daddy but Jack loves it! Jennifer got a new MacBook and so she is learning iPhoto and will hopefully be able to post some cool stuff and is working on Jack's pictures, CJ is almost finished creating an awesome video from our Hawaii trip and we will hopefully get that out soon too. We are all healthy, happy and enjoying life together. We miss home, our friends and family but you are all in our hearts....

Here are a few pictures of the past month.

Jack at our friends house (Jessica is an amazing photographer and likes to catch the boys playing!)
Jack with Ethan and nanny is on the edge helping Jack stay up!

Jack brought something back from Hawaii.... a love of water and SPLASHING! Baths are a lot of fun too, these days.

Happy Hula Baby at a Luau in Hawaii!

The cutest pineapple I have ever seen! (Dole Plantation)

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